Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Responsible Eugenics

Many dream of a "perfected" society through the use of eugenics. The science of eugenics is not the real issue, as it already exists. The real issue in eugenics is poor judgment or the lack of any judgment whatsoever. The future of the human race's biological state is being left to the Political Correctness Police and the ramifications are horrifying.  Any field where "social science" seeks to meddle with the affairs of genuine, empirically-grounded science is bound to be sullied to the degree where it almost becomes necessary to disinvent it.

Case in point: It was recently revealed that a so-called "perfect donor" to a sperm bank was not only a degenerate scumbag, but that his material had been used to father 36 children. 

A man billed as a "perfect donor" by a sperm bank turned out to be a mentally ill felon whose lies on his donor application weren't uncovered for more than a decade, according to families who are now terrified for their children's futures.

On its website, Georgia-based firm Xytex described Donor 9623 as a completely healthy man with an IQ of 160 who was working on a PhD in neuroscience engineering, the Toronto Star reports.
In reality, he was college dropout Chris Aggeles, a 39-year-old man who has been diagnosed with bipolar and narcissistic personality disorders and schizophrenia and has spent time in prison for burglary.

His sperm was used to create at least 36 children in Canada, the US, and the UK between 2000 and 2014. Families discovered his identity after Xytex accidentally included his name in an email and they Googled his name.

When will the real scientists stop bowing to the political correctness of the false "social scientists"  and finally admit that all of the "personality disorders" are genetic and hereditary just like bipolar mood disorder and schizophrenia personality disorder?  If  functional MRI's  on the brains of those with the various disorders can distinguish between those disorders, how can they NOT be genetic and largely hereditary?  If it can be traced through empirical means it can be controlled scientifically. However, while we produce tons of genetically-modified organisms, we choose to ignore important things, like disorders of the human brain that very obviously can be expurgated from the coding sequence.MRI's can even be used to distinguish between the three specific brain abnormalities of "serial killers" versus the white collar sociopaths'  two specific abnormalities.

We hold life to be sacred, but we also know the foundation of life consists in a stream of chemically-based codes that can easily be modified. Why then cannot we cut one code short here, and start another there? Is life so fragile that it can withstand no tampering? Does the sacred brook no improvement? We must re-define the Sacred, and that must wait for another episode of this blog. The bottom line, however, is that genes are not Word documents. This means you can't, for example, cut and paste "the genes for the color blue" into a man and get a blue man. There are no genes for blue. Genes are chemical complexes. Thus, we can in theory splice one person's chemical ability to resist cyanosis (a condition caused by lack of oxygen in the blood that turns the skin a bluish hue) into another person's coding sequence and thus propagate a specimen with a bloodstream that is more oxygen rich.

Perhaps the only way to ensure that catastrophes like this do not happen in the future is to de-fund or under-fund the social sciences in order to prevent them from meddling in the real, hard sciences, thus preventing another 36 offspring of a mad-dog killer.  Eugenics is feasible and desirable, but it can allow for no tampering from the "politically correct". I myself have heart disease, diabetes, and a family history of cancer and other diseases. I have chosen never to father biological offspring because of this. I owe it to the future to contain these biological weaknesses and ensure that they go no further than me. The same should have been done with Mr. Aggeles. Many mental diseases are indeed genetically transferrable. The doctrine of equality ceases to be feasible when it means that a felon is going to be allowed to spread his unfortunate tendencies throughout the human gene pool. Not everyone is worthy of reproduction. It's that simple.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Unite the Races!

Racial rhetoric is the Great Divide. It has resulted in decades of pointless, fruitless hatred, killing, and division. Member sof each race simply need to get past their respective racial hang-ups. There are divisions within each race, and some of these divisions are the cream of their racial crop. Others represent everything a race should seek to eliminate in itself.  Words like "nigger" or "white trash" or "wetback" are descriptors, albeit negative, of these undesirable sectors of each racial population, and it is up to each race to elevate itself above its undesirable specimens. They will do this or be overcome by them.

However, when one race takes it upon itself to police another in this way, the results are almost always catastrophic.  We need not turn very far in history to uncover the examples of atrocities, bigotries, and other forms of chaos that "racial policing" or "ethnic cleansing" have produced.  These events hold back the progress of the Greater Human Race. They also make it increasingly difficult for us to make a good argument in favor of our Cause.

History turns on a number of linchpins. One of these is racial. We do not have to give our approval to the scientifically observable fact that races come and go, some blending with others to create new ones, some simply disappearing. It is a matter of natural history and we can accept and adapt to it or be run over by it. It will continue either way.

For the New Order the lesson is clear: When you attempt to eliminate a race artificially and arbitrarily, you are cutting off your own access to what could turn out to be a very valuable and even necessary resource. It has been shown many times that one race will possess mental, physical or chemical characteristics that are lacking in another and the blending of the two can and probably will result in the distribution of these desirable characteristics in a new racial group. Until our science develops some manner of far-seeing genetic foresight, we must accept this as a functional truth.

History bears out the fact that racial persecution is wasteful. There were Jews in the Italian Fascist Party, and many of these were ardent in their loyalty to Mussolini. Indeed, Il Duce gladly received and reciprocated the loyalty of many Italian Jews.  This was a positive working relationship until Mussolini fell under Hitler's anti-Semitic spell, and the Jews of Italy were thus betrayed, rounded up, and many eliminated.

Each and every race has a valuable contribution to make in the New Order, and not as slaves. In time, the masses will observe how the embracing of this new, Integralist Order can and will bring out the best in all the races and unite them in a harmonious, working Whole.

Friday, April 15, 2016

The Family and the Sick Society

The Family is built on love, trust, and respect. It is the nuclear unit of society, and society can no more exist without the Family than an organism can exist without its cells. It's that simple.

However, for little over a century there have been numerous attempts to replace the family by groups, individuals, and movements who think they have something better. Social workers, human services organizations, charities, and the like, all believe that, because they have uncovered a handful of unhealthy cells, that the very nature and structure of the whole organism must and shall be irrevocably altered to suit their continued endowment by the State.

When someone alleges child abuse, the family is broken up and the child is put into foster care. Foster care is, in the majority, an abusive scam.  People become foster parents for financial benefit they think they can accrue. In the meantime, the abused child is often subjected to a level of abuse and neglect exceeding that which preceded it, but because this new arrangement has the sanction of a very corrupt State, it is allowed to continue.

Thus, our abused child is abused more and more, tossed here and there, and grows into an abusive individual who commits crimes. Thus, they are incarcerated and the State benefits further because it's employees are thus guaranteed a paycheck.  And so, sane, rational, hardworking, God-fearing people are forced to subsidize the continued existence of a society that slowly and surely degenerates into a sicker and sicker organism.

When an abused child devolves into an abusive adult and a criminal, perhaps a murderer, we place him in prison for the rest of his life at an enormous and fruitless expense to the taxpayer.  Thus, we answer crime with crime and then the bleeding-heart liberals cry that the death penalty is just an eye for an eye and therefore barbaric.  No, Bleeding-Heart. Your system is barbaric. It ensures that society's sickness will continue because you have learned to profit by it.  Even when there is a death penalty, some murderers will sit on death row for decades awaiting appeal after useless and expensive appeal, living at an expense of millions of dollars per year. Then, the procedure for the execution costs hundreds of thousands of dollars.

A box of bullets can be purchased for less than ten dollars.

And yet you allow murderers, rapists, pedophiles, drug dealers, and terrorists to continue to live safely, well-fed and well-protected at the expense of the innocent.

This can and will be stopped.  How do you stop murder? By executing murderers, and not twenty years after the fact, but within days or even hours of the establishment of their guilt. How do you stop drug abuse? By executing those who distribute drugs. How do you stop pedophilia? By executing pedophiles.  If the citizenry knows that the penalties for heinous crimes and abuses are unthinkable, they will not think of committing a heinous crime. It's that simple.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Loyalty to the Greatest Nation

America is the greatest nation on Earth.  Our movement knows this and embraces it as an article of faith. We do not debate this because the subject is not open for discussion any more than gravity is subject to debate. We lead the world. We are meant to lead the world. It's that simple.

However, there are loyalty and disloyalty. Some acknowledge their debt to the greatest nation on Earth and do all they can to live up to a great name.  They obey the law, they respect our traditions, they honor property rights and all the fundamental, God-given rights they and others have along with the responsibilities these rights entail.  Some do not acknowledge their debt to the greatest nation on Earth and do all they can to dishonor our great name.  They disobey and dishonor the Law. They disrespect tradition. They believe that property and all other fundamental, God-given rights are subject to the whims of some arrogant, bureaucratic committee.  These are the traitors, the scum, the culture-criminals who must be wiped out if this Great Nation is to flourish.

On what basis? What right does anyone have to persecute or eradicate those who dishonor this Great Nation? If you live in America and have benefitted from the American way of life in any degree you owe this Great nation your loyalty or your absence.

The discussion ends there.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Supreme Being is Self-Evident

The Declaration of Independence tells us that the truths upon which this good Republic was founded are self-evident. This means they require no proof, for they are themselves that proof.  What is proof? It is any evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement. It is what a well-crafted argument establishes.  And so, these truths are the proofs of the authority of this Republic when it is properly governed.

Belief in a Creator, therefore, does not require proof. It is in and of itself a proof. Of what is it the proof? It is the proof in the justice of our cause. It proves that we are civilized and enlightened. In this time of darkness the majority do not believe in God. There are also people who still believe the earth is flat. Both groups are equally ignorant and savage. God is Reason. Reason orders the mind. A well-ordered mind produces civilization. Among civilization's fruits is rhetoric. Rhetoric is the art of the proper formulation of arguments. Most atheists prefer to throw rhetoric out the window, since it ultimately comes from the very God they are rejecting, and instead of argumentation use name-calling, threats, and insults of every variety. As I have stated already, they are ignorant savages.

You call atheism and nihilism enlightened? Then let us look to the East, to Communist China, where the atheistic government of Mao Tse Tung resulted in the deaths of at least 120 million people.  That is not civilization. That is anarchy and savagery. 

True Americans accept a Supreme Being and an absolute moral order to the universe because those are the yardsticks of civilization. We accept God. You will not see a member of Our Movement in a debate about this because, as far as he is concerned, the mere existence of such a debate is absurd. It is rather like arguing over the existence or non-existence of space. It does not even need to be explicitly formulated because it is a basic fact of our existence.  We place our trust in the Supreme Being, not man. It ends there.