Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Our Enemies Should Tremble

This past weekend in California, members of the Traditionalist Workers’ Party were attacked by a mob calling itself By Any Means Necessary; a leftist drone collective headed by the very inappropriate Yvette Felarca.  Many White Nationalists were beaten, some stabbed, as they endeavored to gather in a non-violent rally as is their right under the United States Constitution which, whether the Left likes it or not, is still in force.  In the wake of the attack, I have seen posts from many so-called Fascists talking about how the TWP are white nationalists and therefore not worthy of our consideration.
I beg to differ.
It does not matter that this attack was carried out against white nationalists. Cries of “Kill the Fascists!” and “F**k the Fascists!” were uttered by the offending Leftists.  It does not matter to the Leftists whether the group they attacked was the Traditionalist Worker’s Party, the American Blackshirt Party, or the Log Cabin Republicans.  These are the new, rabid Leftists and, under the goad of scum like William Ayers and Barrack Obama and the leftist media, they have been in control since 2008.  They are not interested in reason, not having the capacity to use it for anything but the processing of Leftist propaganda. All they can see is their own, very twisted and inappropriate vision of the world. Through that filter, they view all parties of the Right as enemies regardless of variations in their ideology.
One day they attack the Traditionalist Workers Party. Months from now, perhaps they go after a gathering of American Blackshirts in the Midwest.  A year from now, maybe they will kill a loyal and patriotic Fascist who is doing nothing more antisocial than picketing for immigration reform.  The tragedy is that we will let it happen.
Have I offended you? Do you doubt that we let it happen? We let the TWP come under attack and then we sat back on our self-satisfied behinds and said, “Well, those White Nationalists are scum anyway, so good riddance!”  We Fascists have failed in our duty because we are supposed to struggle against materialism and racist ideology is one of the basest forms of materialism, suggesting that the amount of melanin in a man’s skin is directly related to his intelligence or human worth.  We need to acknowledge that it is a man's thoughts and actions that mark him as superior or inferior, not his skin.  We have a sacred responsibility to educate our Brothers in this regard, not condemn them nor allow them to be condemned for weaknesses we know we possess, too.
We allowed this attack to happen by not having our act together. We as Fascists should be a united front. We should be standing together, not squabbling over who is going to be in charge.  The very nature of Fascism dictates that our leadership will arise from struggle against our enemies, and so we should be struggling against our enemies, not each other. We need to get past the differences in ideology, branding, and beliefs. Fascist is as Fascist does, and if we allow a Brother to get his brains knocked out by a filthy left-wing drone we are not Fascists.

By Any Means Necessary and Yvette Felarca are our enemies just as surely as ISIS and Al Qaeda are our enemies. Those who stood with BAMN and Felarca and brandished weapons against the TWP are our enemy. These people want America’s borders wide open. They want America to cease being American.  They want to overwhelm the integrity of this country and its ways. That means, whether you are a Fascist, a Falangist, or a Nationalist, this is YOUR fight. Another day will stand for us to help our Brothers to see the light, if they indeed need to see the light, for it is not my place to judge any man for his ideas until those ideas actually harm my country, my family, or myself. In the meantime, we must fight. We must become a name no enemy voice can speak without trembling.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Fascism and the First Revolution

If you want something you have never had before, you must do something you have never done before.  Therefore, before there can be a new State, there must be a new citizen; one that has not been before.  This new citizen cannot exist until a new kind of person exists. A new kind must be preceded by a new individual.  A new individual must be reborn from the inside out, and the inside must always precede the outside.

The First Revolution is inner revolution.  You have no right to try and change the world while you are lost in darkness and filth, and make no mistake: until inner revolution is achieved, you are lost in darkness and filth. Would you do any of your so-called good works if you were required to wear a mask and receive no credit for them?  Would you engage in community service on the condition of total anonymity, even to those you are helping?  That is the first proof.  Until you are content to be invisible, you cannot become an idea of goodness and a force for good.  All else is poisoned by the ego, and the ego, no matter what momentary benefits accompany its arrival, has but one goal: to glorify itself at the expense of all others. This goal is short-term or long-term but it is there and like the pirates of old, who changed flags when they were close enough to the ship they wanted to plunder, the ego’s true colors will eventually be revealed.

The First Revolution is a revolution of spirit.  The goal of this revolution is to overthrow materialism, which is enslavement to the values of the manifest, material world. Gain and loss, fame and infamy, wealth and want, desire and regret: all such things must be cast out.  It is not sufficient to be moderate.  A single drop of ink will pollute an entire glass of water, and so we must overthrow the inner tyrant and all his running dogs.  Rearranging your inner and outer life so that you can have a life like you see in catalogs, magazines, and TV is nothing less than slavery.  Until you overthrow the inner idols of the First Tyrant, you will not be free.