Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Supreme Being is Self-Evident

The Declaration of Independence tells us that the truths upon which this good Republic was founded are self-evident. This means they require no proof, for they are themselves that proof.  What is proof? It is any evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement. It is what a well-crafted argument establishes.  And so, these truths are the proofs of the authority of this Republic when it is properly governed.

Belief in a Creator, therefore, does not require proof. It is in and of itself a proof. Of what is it the proof? It is the proof in the justice of our cause. It proves that we are civilized and enlightened. In this time of darkness the majority do not believe in God. There are also people who still believe the earth is flat. Both groups are equally ignorant and savage. God is Reason. Reason orders the mind. A well-ordered mind produces civilization. Among civilization's fruits is rhetoric. Rhetoric is the art of the proper formulation of arguments. Most atheists prefer to throw rhetoric out the window, since it ultimately comes from the very God they are rejecting, and instead of argumentation use name-calling, threats, and insults of every variety. As I have stated already, they are ignorant savages.

You call atheism and nihilism enlightened? Then let us look to the East, to Communist China, where the atheistic government of Mao Tse Tung resulted in the deaths of at least 120 million people.  That is not civilization. That is anarchy and savagery. 

True Americans accept a Supreme Being and an absolute moral order to the universe because those are the yardsticks of civilization. We accept God. You will not see a member of Our Movement in a debate about this because, as far as he is concerned, the mere existence of such a debate is absurd. It is rather like arguing over the existence or non-existence of space. It does not even need to be explicitly formulated because it is a basic fact of our existence.  We place our trust in the Supreme Being, not man. It ends there.

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