Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Bite the PC Finger Off

Political correctness achieved entry into our culture by presuming to correct flaws in the system. Today no one is so naive as that. We know full well that political correctness now seeks to become the system itself. It has given rise to the cult-like devotion to “safe spaces” at University Campuses, where free speech is only permitted in clearly defined spaces.  So-called “academics” are now calling it politically incorrect snobbery to correct someone’s grammar at a university. 
We don’t have to get into a blow-by-blow analysis of this unthinking hate among liberals, pc operatives, and other assorted moonbats.  We know what the problem is. The question is: what is to be done about it?

To put it simply: Talk. Talk the way you want to talk. Write what you want to write. Say whatever you want to say. The armies of the self-appointed will try to wag their little fingers in your face. Just bite them off. It’s time this fight got real.

Monday, July 18, 2016

Do the Right thing because it is the Right thing to do!

It is imperative that we win the confidence of the People. Fascism is Unity.  Therefore, visit the sick, feed the poor, assist the elderly, the alone, the wounded warrior, and all who need a helping hand. Be as a mentor to the young.  Do not wait for the people to ask for help. Go and find them! The ultimate victory will go to whomever serves the People. The service and defense of the People is our path to Victory.

Our first order of business must be to win over the hearts and minds of the People.  Therefore, stop the stomping and shouting of the Skinhead. If there is an enemy to be fought, we will do better by not appearing intimidating. Know you nothing of strategy?  Furthermore, we must serve the people. To do this, each of us must become the change we wish to see in the world. To reduce this to an axiom: Do the Right thing because it is the Right thing to do!

Maintaining high morale in the face of life's drudgery and sorrow will forge you into a weapon of steel. Those to whom life has been consistently "nice" have no place in our ranks!  Ours is a path of struggle and we need warriors, not marshmallows! Why, then, do I reject the skinhead with the tattooed scalp and the ten-thousand piercings? Because he wishes to project all the aberrations of his soul upon his outward form. He is in the wrong place. The Fascist Party is not a freak show.  A Fascist must have a serious and serene mind, a deep sense of commitment, and a desire to serve the People, not to frighten them with his tongue stud and the unexorcized demons of his prepubescent state.

Keep yourself pure. A Fascist should be nowhere near drugs unless he is a police officer confiscating them as evidence to be destroyed later.  A Fascist should not drink to drunkenness. A Fascist should keep entitlement, resentment, and fear far away from his mind.  Ours is a path of discipline.

If we follow this path with fervency and zeal we will triumph.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

A Fascist Serves

Anyone who goes about with the thought that Fascism seeks to fight the legitimate powers of the military and police suffers from a basic misunderstanding of what Fascism really is.  Fascism seeks to create order out of chaos. There can be no order; no public safety without law and order, and yet we continually suffer with the spectacle of skinheads and other violent types railing against the riot shields and breaking the law.  This betrays a basic misunderstanding, not only of Fascism, but of its history.
In Italy, the great birthplace of Fascism, the squadristi did not arm against the police. They did not try to destroy the legitimate powers of the State. They did not seek to act as a menace to society.  They fought Italy’s enemies, and they recognized that the enemies of their Fatherland were the Communists and foreigners who had no stake in the legitimately organized State.  The squadristi were men of honor, many of them having served in the Great War.  They understood Service to the Nation and National Destiny.
Fascism in America has not yet been so blessed.  Today’s “fascism” is a thousand splintered movements manned by mama’s boys broadcasting from basements, disaffected nutjobs, and sociopaths.  Ironically, these are the very forces true Fascism seeks to remove from society.  There are many self-styled “blackshirts” in America today who would think nothing of committing assault against the police or members of the armed forces. These are not the legionnaires we need to give this Nation the rebirth it so desperately needs.  These are nothing more than jail fodder.
Fascism must regain its moral decency and leave the punk-rock and the nihilism to those who have no future.  We must be out in the community, not first broadcasting ourselves as Fascists and then demanding acceptance; but rather, we must be serving others. We should be helping the elderly, protecting our communities, picking up trash from the sidewalks. I do not mean beating junkies. I mean picking up trash. Go out with a garbage bag and pick up the empty potato chip bags and beer cans. Collect the dirty needles and dispose of them properly. Bring coffee and donuts to the Police. Raise money for the veterans in your community. Show the People of your community that you are a man of trust and honor. Integrate yourself. After all, integrity is our core value!

This community service must come first, before we presume to be National Heroes. If we are not willing to take up a broom and do the very dirty, unglamorous, undramatic jobs that need doing in and around us, we have no right to expect the People to entrust us with defense of their virtue and interests.  It is high time that Fascists stopped whining about their machismo and started using it. Be a man. Go and do a dirty job that no one in your community wants to do; something that doesn’t involve being violent. A legionnaire serves his People. He doesn’t frighten them. He serves them.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Our Enemies Should Tremble

This past weekend in California, members of the Traditionalist Workers’ Party were attacked by a mob calling itself By Any Means Necessary; a leftist drone collective headed by the very inappropriate Yvette Felarca.  Many White Nationalists were beaten, some stabbed, as they endeavored to gather in a non-violent rally as is their right under the United States Constitution which, whether the Left likes it or not, is still in force.  In the wake of the attack, I have seen posts from many so-called Fascists talking about how the TWP are white nationalists and therefore not worthy of our consideration.
I beg to differ.
It does not matter that this attack was carried out against white nationalists. Cries of “Kill the Fascists!” and “F**k the Fascists!” were uttered by the offending Leftists.  It does not matter to the Leftists whether the group they attacked was the Traditionalist Worker’s Party, the American Blackshirt Party, or the Log Cabin Republicans.  These are the new, rabid Leftists and, under the goad of scum like William Ayers and Barrack Obama and the leftist media, they have been in control since 2008.  They are not interested in reason, not having the capacity to use it for anything but the processing of Leftist propaganda. All they can see is their own, very twisted and inappropriate vision of the world. Through that filter, they view all parties of the Right as enemies regardless of variations in their ideology.
One day they attack the Traditionalist Workers Party. Months from now, perhaps they go after a gathering of American Blackshirts in the Midwest.  A year from now, maybe they will kill a loyal and patriotic Fascist who is doing nothing more antisocial than picketing for immigration reform.  The tragedy is that we will let it happen.
Have I offended you? Do you doubt that we let it happen? We let the TWP come under attack and then we sat back on our self-satisfied behinds and said, “Well, those White Nationalists are scum anyway, so good riddance!”  We Fascists have failed in our duty because we are supposed to struggle against materialism and racist ideology is one of the basest forms of materialism, suggesting that the amount of melanin in a man’s skin is directly related to his intelligence or human worth.  We need to acknowledge that it is a man's thoughts and actions that mark him as superior or inferior, not his skin.  We have a sacred responsibility to educate our Brothers in this regard, not condemn them nor allow them to be condemned for weaknesses we know we possess, too.
We allowed this attack to happen by not having our act together. We as Fascists should be a united front. We should be standing together, not squabbling over who is going to be in charge.  The very nature of Fascism dictates that our leadership will arise from struggle against our enemies, and so we should be struggling against our enemies, not each other. We need to get past the differences in ideology, branding, and beliefs. Fascist is as Fascist does, and if we allow a Brother to get his brains knocked out by a filthy left-wing drone we are not Fascists.

By Any Means Necessary and Yvette Felarca are our enemies just as surely as ISIS and Al Qaeda are our enemies. Those who stood with BAMN and Felarca and brandished weapons against the TWP are our enemy. These people want America’s borders wide open. They want America to cease being American.  They want to overwhelm the integrity of this country and its ways. That means, whether you are a Fascist, a Falangist, or a Nationalist, this is YOUR fight. Another day will stand for us to help our Brothers to see the light, if they indeed need to see the light, for it is not my place to judge any man for his ideas until those ideas actually harm my country, my family, or myself. In the meantime, we must fight. We must become a name no enemy voice can speak without trembling.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Fascism and the First Revolution

If you want something you have never had before, you must do something you have never done before.  Therefore, before there can be a new State, there must be a new citizen; one that has not been before.  This new citizen cannot exist until a new kind of person exists. A new kind must be preceded by a new individual.  A new individual must be reborn from the inside out, and the inside must always precede the outside.

The First Revolution is inner revolution.  You have no right to try and change the world while you are lost in darkness and filth, and make no mistake: until inner revolution is achieved, you are lost in darkness and filth. Would you do any of your so-called good works if you were required to wear a mask and receive no credit for them?  Would you engage in community service on the condition of total anonymity, even to those you are helping?  That is the first proof.  Until you are content to be invisible, you cannot become an idea of goodness and a force for good.  All else is poisoned by the ego, and the ego, no matter what momentary benefits accompany its arrival, has but one goal: to glorify itself at the expense of all others. This goal is short-term or long-term but it is there and like the pirates of old, who changed flags when they were close enough to the ship they wanted to plunder, the ego’s true colors will eventually be revealed.

The First Revolution is a revolution of spirit.  The goal of this revolution is to overthrow materialism, which is enslavement to the values of the manifest, material world. Gain and loss, fame and infamy, wealth and want, desire and regret: all such things must be cast out.  It is not sufficient to be moderate.  A single drop of ink will pollute an entire glass of water, and so we must overthrow the inner tyrant and all his running dogs.  Rearranging your inner and outer life so that you can have a life like you see in catalogs, magazines, and TV is nothing less than slavery.  Until you overthrow the inner idols of the First Tyrant, you will not be free.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Fascist Integralism and National Populism

Fascist Integralism is a more pure democracy than the traditional American concept. The current system processes the will of the people through intermediaries such as professional politicians, media, and interest groups.  Add to this an incompetent, bloated, self-serving electorate and you can be sure that the Will of the People has long been lost in the shuffle. The Will of the People is mitigated, even negated, to ensure that it will not become a danger to the bourgeois establishment.
The bourgeois establishment is composed of liberal socialists, wealthy republicans and their middle class boosters. Right and Left are closer now than any moment in history to becoming meaningless distinctions. However, this is not the egalitarian utopia of the misty-eyed pot-smoker. It is instead, reminiscent of the last scene from George Orwell's allegorical novel Animal Farm, where the pigs and the farmers they had overthrown were indistinguishable one from the other.
The Will of the People requires a strong leadership capable of focusing popular energies toward fulfillment of national priorities.  This process, once in place, would completely bypass bourgeois considerations and liberal vagaries.
Our doctrine is despised by the Bourgeoisie, both liberal and conservative, Republican and Democrat.  They hate it because our doctrine upholds that the Will of the People should be implemented without recourse to a moneyed political caste that seeks to further such excesses as unrestrained capitalism or the tyrannies of Soviet-style Marxism.  They hate our doctrine because it reveals that true, pure democracy is Nationalist, exalting the interests of the Nation even in opposition to globalist, multicultural demands.
The Fascist party is a grass-roots movement at its heart.  We do not seek approval from any source but the People.  they are the sole authority from which this movement derives its power and mandate.  The will of the people is clearly known in all things, and it is a Nationalist will. The People crave a strong movement and a strong Leader who is representative of who they are and who they hope to be.  Such a leader will be well-versed in the Will of the People, not party politics and self-serving bureaucratic nonsense.
The People will hold themselves accountable for National Destiny. They will know the doctrine of the Party and maintain discipline within the Law.  They will accept as an article of faith that each and every citizen is responsible for the well-being of the body politic. They will struggle daily to overcome materialism in themselves, their families, and in their communities.  They will gain the ultimate triumph.
Because our Movement is seeking to uplift the Nation and exalt it toward its highest, best destiny, we are Nationalists.  Because we derive our power to do this, not from a bourgeois power elite but from the People, and because we never lose sight of our common roots and daily priorities, we are Populists.
Our doctrine could therefore best be described as National Populism.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Scavenger State

It was previously assumed that drug traffic and the welfare state were acting as safety valves against social catastrophe.  It was assumed that these elements provided the decay that alieved pressures between the classes and, more importantly, between the rulers and the ruled.  However, the bourgeois state and its Marxist underpinnings are organismic in the sense of being adaptable. Drug traffic and the welfare state, along with the ubiquitous consumer culture; have transformed the state organism into one that thrives on these elements rather than that which was previously a strong, healthy working class.  The bourgeois state, along with its array of Marxist programs, positively depends on social rot in order to live.  We live in the time of the scavenger state; one that thrives on social decay to the point of actually promoting it and viciously attacking that which seeks to return the body politic to a state of health and wholeness.

Monday, May 16, 2016


Riki Wilchins, a transsexual who recently wrote a piece in the gay publication The Advocate, revealed that there is an agenda behind the transgendered bathroom movement and you should be scared as hell by it. The unintended consequence thus far has been to provide a new legal dodge for perverts and pedophiles who want to go into public restrooms, do perverted pedophile things, and then say that they had a right to be in there because they “self-identify” as whatever. However, there is something even more terrifying and insidious at work here.
The article is called, "We'll Win the Bathroom Battle When the Binary Burns," Wilchins says very plainly that the real goal is to “kill” the notion of male and female altogether. The "binary" is gender distinction, and the goal is to get rid of the “heterobinary structure”, which means getting rid of a society where the distinctions “male” and “female” are outlawed and eradicated. Wilchins writes that there should be no gender distinctions at all. 
Wilchins identifies an emerging group of people who don't want to affiliate as either gender, of which there are in reality two. According to one LGBT website, Non-binary' people, who refuse to identify as male or female for whatever bizarre reasons, want to be referred to as 'they' or 'hir' or 'zer.'  

This all goes much deeper and further than mere usage of public bathrooms. According to Stella Morabito writing in The Federalist: “What we are really talking about is the abolition of sex. And it is sex that the trans project is serving to abolish legally, under the guise of something called ‘the gender binary.’ Its endgame is a society in which everyone is legally de-sexed. No longer legally male or female. And once you basically redefine humanity as sexless you end up with a de-humanized society in which there can be no legal ‘mother’ or ‘father’ or ‘son’ or ‘daughter’ or ‘husband’ or ‘wife’ without permission from the State. Government documents are already erasing the terms. In such a society, the most intimate human relationships take a hit. The family ends up abolished.”
Morabito hits home the point: “Sex distinctions are the germ of all human relationships. Abolishing them legally basically abolishes family autonomy. And this is an act of violence against children because it would serve at some point to separate them from their origins. Every child's first transcendental question is ‘Where did I come from?’ If the law will not allow the child to see his own origins and wholeness in the faces of a mother and a father, it destabilizes the child's sense of self. It creates personal dysfunction in children and basically ends up spreading more dysfunction and even dystopia in society.”
This is scary. This is frightening beyond anything we could have imagined. The bathroom battle is far more serious than many think. We need to really pray and ask God for help--before it's too late and our future generations end up really damaged. It may even become necessary for regular, ordinary Americans to stand up and fight in a way they have never fought before.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Coddling is Abuse

A 20 year-old girl comes into the living room and insists that, on top of getting her college paid for, her room and board paid for, and a car paid for, that her parents must do the same for her very capable, very lazy brother, who also is going to college on his parent's dime, is working a few hours a week, and has more than enough money in the bank to get himself a decent used car.  Nothing is done. The child stomps out, slamming the door behind her.

Why does this scenario even exist? Why can it even be described to you, my Brothers in arms?

It can be described because it exists. It exists because American parents, weakened by decades of decadence, have softened into weakness and lost the will to provide their children the moral strength and discipline that will most assuredly be required in the world that is taking shape even now.  Americans make no progress because they lack moral discipline. And so by omission they transmit this hateful weakness to their children.

When I was a child, the word, "No" was a common syllable. I rarely got what I wanted, but I always got what I needed from two parents who definitely loved me. They loved me enough to ensure that they were there for me. They loved me enough to ensure that I understood a few things about the world, such as my very small, almost insignificant place in it.  Part of this meant teaching me right from wrong and enforcing this learning with punishments. Those punishments hurt. I got over them hurting. What I never got over was the realization that people are not allowed to be entitled, self-centered violators of whatever standard of conduct they find inconvenient.  We are to obey the law and the rules. Our liking the law and the rules is completely irrelevant.

We are very, very small in relation to the world. Even Donald Trump is very small. Even his fortune is a droplet in an ocean of titanic becoming; of changes that never stop for one instant and we are swept away at all times in that tide.  What remains is the Supreme Being and His Will, which is express in the clear, unmistakable terms of Law.

Americans, your children do not matter in relation to the cosmos, and you are doing them a terrible disservice in conditioning them to believe that they are huge, important, bright little centers of the cosmos.  All the while you are allowing the creation of a a world in which such people cannot hope to cope nor survive. You cripple your children by making them little objects of worship who must be allowed to say, do, or have anything they want.  You are turning your children into the self-centered, narcissistic jackasses you have always been, and the prisons are full of the final proofs of my statement. 

You will change or you will share in the guilt for all the terrible things your misguided progeny are going to do. If they do not commit outright crimes, then think on this much: do you honestly expect that narcissistic, self-centered, entitled, snotty 21 year-old to look after you when you are old, decrepit, and can no longer so much as wipe your own ass?  You cannot possibly be that stupid. You have created a world you and your children cannot possibly thrive or even live in.

Coddling is abuse.

Friday, May 6, 2016

The American Worker Has Been Duped . . . Again


Nearly twenty-five percent of white men with high school educations are without work. Many of this same group are not only unemployed, but have stopped looking for work. It isn't because they are lazy.

They aren't working because there are no jobs. They've stopped looking for work because they know it is a waste of time.  Leftist media such as CNN have characterized this demographic as a "slice" of America.  However, at 35 percent of the population, calling the Workers a "slice" of America is like calling the North Atlantic a droplet. 

The liberals don't want to admit that their years of sorely misguided social experiments and social engineering and socialized this and that have led only to economic ruin. From his first days in office, William Jefferson Clinton broke his campaign promise to "focus like a laser" on the economy, and instead focused like a laser on gays in the military and the very corrupt and poisonous North Atlantic Fair Trade Agreement.  As a result, Working Class Americans were once again thrown to the wind. The American Worker was treated no better during the Bush and Obama Misadministrations.

The last sixteen years have not changed much, either.  The American Worker has been betrayed again and again.  The most poignant aspect of this betrayal is that it was served up by those in whom the Workers placed their trust.  In 2008, the United Auto Workers union signed an agreement with auto manufacturers which imposed unprecedented wage cuts on the company’s 3,650 workers in Michigan and western New York.  As a result, 2000 workers lost their jobs. Those who remained had their wages cut from $28 an hour to $18.50 and as low as $14.35 for so-called “factory support” jobs. New hires were brought in at $11.50 an hour, with substandard benefits.

Of course, by the time UAW and NAFTA-related "reforms" were done, the Detroit auto industry and that of western New York State were ravaged. The urban blight that these former manufacturing sectors have become is well documented.  Jobs were shipped abroad, UAW pulled up tents and hauled ass out of town, and politicians shrugged and gave their usual "Who, me?" grin as American Workers were hung out to dry.

Detroit and western New York are not alone in their status as victims of Empty Promises. Take for example Scioto County in southern Ohio, where only 53.8% of men age 16 to 64 are employed. It should perhaps be mentioned that this was once the territory of Presiential hopeless John Kasich.

 Scioto County has been ravaged by the GOP/Democrat gang rape of the American econonmy. Shoe factories that once employed thousands are gone. Steel mills that once provided work to thousands of families are boarded up and cold. Railroad yards that once saw hundreds of shipments of coal through their precincts are now shadows of their former selves thanks to the Obama Administration's hard-line "environmental" nonsense. Lawmakers are directly responsible and culpable for each hungry family and each missing job. And yet, people line up to cheer and applaud the criminals responsible for this economic ruin just so they can say they once looked directly upon the insidious, false sunlight that is a politician.
 Unemployment may hover at around 9 percent for the nation, but in Scioto County, the poverty rate is 27.2%, far above the state's 15.8% rate. Let the Obamists spew all the self-congratulatory statistics they want. Children are starving and the guilt of the Two Party Gang Rapists continues to grow.

 It should be mentioned that the layoffs are ongoing in Ohio's economic microcosm. AK Steel laid off600 people a few months ago. CSX and Norfolk Southern railroads have downsized over the past year. Haverhill Chemical laid off more than 150 workers in August after new owners bought it and hired back only a handful. 

Many workers don't have the education or training to make it in today's economy, and they have no means of getting one. Only 14.4% have a college degree, compared to 25.6% statewide and 29.3% nationally. 40 years ago, however, most workers didn't need to go to college to earn a decent wage.
However, even among the college educated we are seeing rising unemployment and poverty as lawmakers find it politically advantageous and lucrative for themselves to allow jobs to bleed out of the Nation.

There are some jobs available, but many of them pay minimum wage or just above. Local officials are trying to attract more employers, but the new positions often don't pay as much.
 A typical working class man works a variety of temporary, poorly paid jobs. A working class male with a GED typically moves around, serving short stints at various jobs. Most of these positions are temporary, and the typical worker earns no more than $13.50 an hour for very repetitive, strenuous work with no advancement potential.

How long will the American Worker stand for this? How long before the Two Party Gang Rapists are called to task for their countless crimes against the American Economy, the American Worker, and the American way of life?  How many factories must be closed down and boarded up? How many children must go to bed hungry tonight because some overpaid, useless lump of GOP or Democrat flesh and their Union cohorts, their pockets stuffed from kickbacks, have allowed American jobs to be shipped abroad?

Americans, isn't it time you began to fight?

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Out of Darkness Into Light

History is not the "class struggle" and materialist dialectics of Marx. There is far more to the human experience than propping up the socialist agenda.  There is far more to human nature than production, consumption, and excretion.

The Human Spirit endures in defiance of those who would incarcerate it in materialism and bureaucracy and confine its thoughts to political correctness, which is entirely artificial, oppressive, and false. A civilization is to be known by its emphasis. A civilization centered on material concerns and totally divorced from any notion of a higher being and decency will be known solely as the prelude to a great cataclysm. Rome was mighty. Rome chose the wrong values. Rome fell.

American civilization has come to a similar Rubicon. From here, we can rise up against the decay set in motion by those forces that seek to erode the traditional sources of America's strength or we can lay down and wallow in the filth of globalism, political correctness, transgendered bathroom privileges and wait for the very justified end.

You are confronted with a simple choice. You can embrace the Light or the darkness. Which are you?

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Responsible Eugenics

Many dream of a "perfected" society through the use of eugenics. The science of eugenics is not the real issue, as it already exists. The real issue in eugenics is poor judgment or the lack of any judgment whatsoever. The future of the human race's biological state is being left to the Political Correctness Police and the ramifications are horrifying.  Any field where "social science" seeks to meddle with the affairs of genuine, empirically-grounded science is bound to be sullied to the degree where it almost becomes necessary to disinvent it.

Case in point: It was recently revealed that a so-called "perfect donor" to a sperm bank was not only a degenerate scumbag, but that his material had been used to father 36 children. 

A man billed as a "perfect donor" by a sperm bank turned out to be a mentally ill felon whose lies on his donor application weren't uncovered for more than a decade, according to families who are now terrified for their children's futures.

On its website, Georgia-based firm Xytex described Donor 9623 as a completely healthy man with an IQ of 160 who was working on a PhD in neuroscience engineering, the Toronto Star reports.
In reality, he was college dropout Chris Aggeles, a 39-year-old man who has been diagnosed with bipolar and narcissistic personality disorders and schizophrenia and has spent time in prison for burglary.

His sperm was used to create at least 36 children in Canada, the US, and the UK between 2000 and 2014. Families discovered his identity after Xytex accidentally included his name in an email and they Googled his name.

When will the real scientists stop bowing to the political correctness of the false "social scientists"  and finally admit that all of the "personality disorders" are genetic and hereditary just like bipolar mood disorder and schizophrenia personality disorder?  If  functional MRI's  on the brains of those with the various disorders can distinguish between those disorders, how can they NOT be genetic and largely hereditary?  If it can be traced through empirical means it can be controlled scientifically. However, while we produce tons of genetically-modified organisms, we choose to ignore important things, like disorders of the human brain that very obviously can be expurgated from the coding sequence.MRI's can even be used to distinguish between the three specific brain abnormalities of "serial killers" versus the white collar sociopaths'  two specific abnormalities.

We hold life to be sacred, but we also know the foundation of life consists in a stream of chemically-based codes that can easily be modified. Why then cannot we cut one code short here, and start another there? Is life so fragile that it can withstand no tampering? Does the sacred brook no improvement? We must re-define the Sacred, and that must wait for another episode of this blog. The bottom line, however, is that genes are not Word documents. This means you can't, for example, cut and paste "the genes for the color blue" into a man and get a blue man. There are no genes for blue. Genes are chemical complexes. Thus, we can in theory splice one person's chemical ability to resist cyanosis (a condition caused by lack of oxygen in the blood that turns the skin a bluish hue) into another person's coding sequence and thus propagate a specimen with a bloodstream that is more oxygen rich.

Perhaps the only way to ensure that catastrophes like this do not happen in the future is to de-fund or under-fund the social sciences in order to prevent them from meddling in the real, hard sciences, thus preventing another 36 offspring of a mad-dog killer.  Eugenics is feasible and desirable, but it can allow for no tampering from the "politically correct". I myself have heart disease, diabetes, and a family history of cancer and other diseases. I have chosen never to father biological offspring because of this. I owe it to the future to contain these biological weaknesses and ensure that they go no further than me. The same should have been done with Mr. Aggeles. Many mental diseases are indeed genetically transferrable. The doctrine of equality ceases to be feasible when it means that a felon is going to be allowed to spread his unfortunate tendencies throughout the human gene pool. Not everyone is worthy of reproduction. It's that simple.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Unite the Races!

Racial rhetoric is the Great Divide. It has resulted in decades of pointless, fruitless hatred, killing, and division. Member sof each race simply need to get past their respective racial hang-ups. There are divisions within each race, and some of these divisions are the cream of their racial crop. Others represent everything a race should seek to eliminate in itself.  Words like "nigger" or "white trash" or "wetback" are descriptors, albeit negative, of these undesirable sectors of each racial population, and it is up to each race to elevate itself above its undesirable specimens. They will do this or be overcome by them.

However, when one race takes it upon itself to police another in this way, the results are almost always catastrophic.  We need not turn very far in history to uncover the examples of atrocities, bigotries, and other forms of chaos that "racial policing" or "ethnic cleansing" have produced.  These events hold back the progress of the Greater Human Race. They also make it increasingly difficult for us to make a good argument in favor of our Cause.

History turns on a number of linchpins. One of these is racial. We do not have to give our approval to the scientifically observable fact that races come and go, some blending with others to create new ones, some simply disappearing. It is a matter of natural history and we can accept and adapt to it or be run over by it. It will continue either way.

For the New Order the lesson is clear: When you attempt to eliminate a race artificially and arbitrarily, you are cutting off your own access to what could turn out to be a very valuable and even necessary resource. It has been shown many times that one race will possess mental, physical or chemical characteristics that are lacking in another and the blending of the two can and probably will result in the distribution of these desirable characteristics in a new racial group. Until our science develops some manner of far-seeing genetic foresight, we must accept this as a functional truth.

History bears out the fact that racial persecution is wasteful. There were Jews in the Italian Fascist Party, and many of these were ardent in their loyalty to Mussolini. Indeed, Il Duce gladly received and reciprocated the loyalty of many Italian Jews.  This was a positive working relationship until Mussolini fell under Hitler's anti-Semitic spell, and the Jews of Italy were thus betrayed, rounded up, and many eliminated.

Each and every race has a valuable contribution to make in the New Order, and not as slaves. In time, the masses will observe how the embracing of this new, Integralist Order can and will bring out the best in all the races and unite them in a harmonious, working Whole.

Friday, April 15, 2016

The Family and the Sick Society

The Family is built on love, trust, and respect. It is the nuclear unit of society, and society can no more exist without the Family than an organism can exist without its cells. It's that simple.

However, for little over a century there have been numerous attempts to replace the family by groups, individuals, and movements who think they have something better. Social workers, human services organizations, charities, and the like, all believe that, because they have uncovered a handful of unhealthy cells, that the very nature and structure of the whole organism must and shall be irrevocably altered to suit their continued endowment by the State.

When someone alleges child abuse, the family is broken up and the child is put into foster care. Foster care is, in the majority, an abusive scam.  People become foster parents for financial benefit they think they can accrue. In the meantime, the abused child is often subjected to a level of abuse and neglect exceeding that which preceded it, but because this new arrangement has the sanction of a very corrupt State, it is allowed to continue.

Thus, our abused child is abused more and more, tossed here and there, and grows into an abusive individual who commits crimes. Thus, they are incarcerated and the State benefits further because it's employees are thus guaranteed a paycheck.  And so, sane, rational, hardworking, God-fearing people are forced to subsidize the continued existence of a society that slowly and surely degenerates into a sicker and sicker organism.

When an abused child devolves into an abusive adult and a criminal, perhaps a murderer, we place him in prison for the rest of his life at an enormous and fruitless expense to the taxpayer.  Thus, we answer crime with crime and then the bleeding-heart liberals cry that the death penalty is just an eye for an eye and therefore barbaric.  No, Bleeding-Heart. Your system is barbaric. It ensures that society's sickness will continue because you have learned to profit by it.  Even when there is a death penalty, some murderers will sit on death row for decades awaiting appeal after useless and expensive appeal, living at an expense of millions of dollars per year. Then, the procedure for the execution costs hundreds of thousands of dollars.

A box of bullets can be purchased for less than ten dollars.

And yet you allow murderers, rapists, pedophiles, drug dealers, and terrorists to continue to live safely, well-fed and well-protected at the expense of the innocent.

This can and will be stopped.  How do you stop murder? By executing murderers, and not twenty years after the fact, but within days or even hours of the establishment of their guilt. How do you stop drug abuse? By executing those who distribute drugs. How do you stop pedophilia? By executing pedophiles.  If the citizenry knows that the penalties for heinous crimes and abuses are unthinkable, they will not think of committing a heinous crime. It's that simple.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Loyalty to the Greatest Nation

America is the greatest nation on Earth.  Our movement knows this and embraces it as an article of faith. We do not debate this because the subject is not open for discussion any more than gravity is subject to debate. We lead the world. We are meant to lead the world. It's that simple.

However, there are loyalty and disloyalty. Some acknowledge their debt to the greatest nation on Earth and do all they can to live up to a great name.  They obey the law, they respect our traditions, they honor property rights and all the fundamental, God-given rights they and others have along with the responsibilities these rights entail.  Some do not acknowledge their debt to the greatest nation on Earth and do all they can to dishonor our great name.  They disobey and dishonor the Law. They disrespect tradition. They believe that property and all other fundamental, God-given rights are subject to the whims of some arrogant, bureaucratic committee.  These are the traitors, the scum, the culture-criminals who must be wiped out if this Great Nation is to flourish.

On what basis? What right does anyone have to persecute or eradicate those who dishonor this Great Nation? If you live in America and have benefitted from the American way of life in any degree you owe this Great nation your loyalty or your absence.

The discussion ends there.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Supreme Being is Self-Evident

The Declaration of Independence tells us that the truths upon which this good Republic was founded are self-evident. This means they require no proof, for they are themselves that proof.  What is proof? It is any evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement. It is what a well-crafted argument establishes.  And so, these truths are the proofs of the authority of this Republic when it is properly governed.

Belief in a Creator, therefore, does not require proof. It is in and of itself a proof. Of what is it the proof? It is the proof in the justice of our cause. It proves that we are civilized and enlightened. In this time of darkness the majority do not believe in God. There are also people who still believe the earth is flat. Both groups are equally ignorant and savage. God is Reason. Reason orders the mind. A well-ordered mind produces civilization. Among civilization's fruits is rhetoric. Rhetoric is the art of the proper formulation of arguments. Most atheists prefer to throw rhetoric out the window, since it ultimately comes from the very God they are rejecting, and instead of argumentation use name-calling, threats, and insults of every variety. As I have stated already, they are ignorant savages.

You call atheism and nihilism enlightened? Then let us look to the East, to Communist China, where the atheistic government of Mao Tse Tung resulted in the deaths of at least 120 million people.  That is not civilization. That is anarchy and savagery. 

True Americans accept a Supreme Being and an absolute moral order to the universe because those are the yardsticks of civilization. We accept God. You will not see a member of Our Movement in a debate about this because, as far as he is concerned, the mere existence of such a debate is absurd. It is rather like arguing over the existence or non-existence of space. It does not even need to be explicitly formulated because it is a basic fact of our existence.  We place our trust in the Supreme Being, not man. It ends there.

Monday, March 14, 2016

The Act of Living

We are committed to the processes of life before we find ourselves in the act of living.   Commitment to the process of life is an altogether simple matter beginning with conception, and this commitment is made on one’s behalf.  The commitment to the processes of life is as elemental as drawing one’s next breath or next bite of food. It is largely unconscious and continues either to the moment of death or to the moment one makes the decision no longer to live. The act of living is a completely different commitment.  It begins with the first hints of a dawning awareness of the human condition.  Once we commit, we have taken upon ourselves all the difficulties associated with living, all of the benefits, and its simple monotonies. Life as an act is confronted with a certain blankness or inertia that invites the creation of meaning.  However, the question becomes one of whether we should live with a view to creating meaning or simply live and allow whatever meaning will arise to arise. Either way, we find ourselves able to assimilate the act of living long after the fact.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The American Dream Came True. God Help Us.

American civilization has been based on an ardent desire to overcome tradition through industry.  It has conceived what it considers to be a "faith" in practicality, but far from being practical, the American faith is in expedience.  It has built a boat of special interests of both the right and the left and it does not desire that the boat be rocked.  Both right and left are totally infected by the quest for profit, the idiocy of hypocrisy, and the temerity to try and pass off juvenile impulses as some great, grown-up agenda to be duplicated throughout the nation.  The Leftist whines about corporate America while blogging on his Apple Corporation Laptop, sipping a latte made with corporately-produced chemicals, wearing clothing that were either produced by a corporation, distributed by a corporation, or both; and sits in a Starbuck's, which is as corporate as corporate can be. The Right winger whines about traditional American values while making room for illegal aliens to waltz over the border. Why? Because the electoral process is a sham.  They allow corporations to walk all over the American Worker and to do irreparable harm to the American Family. American greatness is soulless, collective technocracy with a touch of aristocratic, bureaucratic abortive nonsense.  THIS is why democracy is a sham.  It is nothing more than bread and circuses; a stylized ritual where people get to decide whether they want the criminals in charge of raping America to wear red lapel pins or blue ones.  Do you still really believe that your vote is going to change the quality of your life in any way? Do you persist in thinking that the smiling, one-eyed jack you're so desperately trying to put in office will represent your interests? Are you brain-dead? You still trust Democrats and Republicans, Liberals and Conservatives after nearly 300 years of organized lying, nepotism, scandal, and bureaucracy disguised as liberty? How can you be so insipidly stupid? Americans, it is time you woke up, grew up and stopped insisting that your government should be breast-feeding you. The milk is sour, maybe even poisoned. You are addicted to a substance that isn't even going to get you high.  American "Democracy" is the greatest shell game on earth. It will be stopped, and that can happen in one of a few ways. Either the People will stand in support of a movement of Nationalist, Popular interests (unlikely, since Americans seldom want what's best for them as evinced by the very existence of the Obama Administration), or the system will degenerate into a bureaucratized aristocracy where the people are systematically exploited by first this party then that one (as is already the case) or the entire matrix of American civilization will collapse and come to resemble the jungle of Compton. America, it's time you grew up and faced the truth. The dream came true. Are you happy?

Friday, February 12, 2016

Right Metaphysics

Traditional and modern society are taken to exist as antithetical to one another. However, this antithesis is more an imputation than an inherently existing distinction. The essence of the issue is a simple one: we have a physical and a metaphysical reality, and these two are intended by design to have an interactive and interdependent relationship. There is a duality to existence. Mankind has a mortal and an immortal nature.  We are Being and Becoming; composed of visible and invisible components. The mistake made by many is to suppose that duality implies two theses cannot but be antagonistic toward one another. The key characteristic of the ancient Taoist emblem of tai chi tu is integration of the two polarities.

Spiritual and physical are not intended to be enemies. The unitary or singular reality is meant to be dynamic, and this dynamism is only possible because of the existence of certain polarities that are contextual to it. Civilization progresses because the forward motion of innovation and change takes place against a broad inertial matrix. The traditional society has been taken to occupy the position of inertia and the modern the progressive. However, to refine it further, it has been assumed that the inertial is always detriment and the progressive a benefit.  However, if we are to truly accept that categories can and do shift, then it is not only possible for the progressive to function as a detriment, but it often does so, particularly when embraced without a critical eye.

For instance, we assume that the redistribution of wealth would be the hallmark of a “just” society, but the proponents of this socialist trope are willing to gloss over the simple fact that their “redistribution” is rooted in theft. The wealth of x cannot be given to y unless it has first been taken from x. This may be done with legislative sanction, but this sanction does not by necessity reflect a rule of law.  An opposing trope is the concept of universal responsibility, where all are liable to work and provide for themselves, but what they produce is theirs by right. This is usually assumed to be the theme of an exploitive bourgeoisie, grinding the laboring masses into paste.  However, if every individual cell labors according to its true capabilities, the overall result will be a stronger, healthier organism. The individual works and moves against an inertial background that he believes is resisting him, but without which his movements will not even be possible.

And so we are confronted with the interchangeability and interaction of two polarities we have traditionally thought of as being intrinsically and with hostility opposed to each other. However, the reality is that polarity is dynamic, and that which is devoid of this dynamism dies.  Civilization moves, as the cosmos moves, because of the tension between opposing powers or energies.  However, it is not a given that all motion is of benefit.  After all, an atomic chain reaction is very kinetic.  A crowd the motion of which is devoid of a governing principle becomes a rioting mob. All force must have a governing principle or set of principles. Motion without limits becomes a detriment just as inertia without limits is death.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Communism and Capitalism Have Failed

For much of the 20th century the world was divided between the capitalist and communist paradigms.  However, it never once occurred to anyone in either that both were based on the same fundamental materialist view of the universe.  Both set their worlds revolving around technological advancement and production.  Both embraced production as a social relationship.  Both viewed humanity as management and workers, producers and consumers. Both sought to corral the human race, like regimented cattle, into the sociopolitical, economic, and military machinery with which they aimed to conquer the globe. This dualism of political economy is completely and totally inadequate for the needs of the human race and its ever-shifting niche in the impermanent yet total cosmos in which it finds itself. So long as human progress is viewed solely in terms of production and consumption, corporate structure and grassroots rebellion, wealth and poverty, we will have completely and continuously overlooked what is essential in the greater race.  Human beings must go from viewing themselves as managers, producers, workers and consumers to beings concerned with their total development as spiritual, mental, and substantial entities whose focus is on the fulfillment of their potential without the gross obsession with material well-being that always tends toward gross inequities, mass starvation, and acute corruption.

We must live beyond money and the obsession with consumer goods. We must be cured of the superstition that we will somehow allow the entire world to slip into deprivation and decay if civilization is not wholly driven by material interests. As with any illness, the cure lies in rooting out the causes and applying treatments that will not always be pleasing to the convalescent.  The greater the sepsis, the more powerful must be the antibiotic.  The disorder afflicting the human race will not be cured by gentle half-measures that do not root out the cause but only provide a very lucrative treatment of symptoms to be administered by an elite few. Rather, the antidote to the disease afflicting the greater race will be stringent. It will tolerate no half-cure nor attempted resurgence of the disease. We are not aiming at a remission. We aim instead to obliterate forever the fundamental disorder afflicting the greater human race.