Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Fascist Integralism and National Populism

Fascist Integralism is a more pure democracy than the traditional American concept. The current system processes the will of the people through intermediaries such as professional politicians, media, and interest groups.  Add to this an incompetent, bloated, self-serving electorate and you can be sure that the Will of the People has long been lost in the shuffle. The Will of the People is mitigated, even negated, to ensure that it will not become a danger to the bourgeois establishment.
The bourgeois establishment is composed of liberal socialists, wealthy republicans and their middle class boosters. Right and Left are closer now than any moment in history to becoming meaningless distinctions. However, this is not the egalitarian utopia of the misty-eyed pot-smoker. It is instead, reminiscent of the last scene from George Orwell's allegorical novel Animal Farm, where the pigs and the farmers they had overthrown were indistinguishable one from the other.
The Will of the People requires a strong leadership capable of focusing popular energies toward fulfillment of national priorities.  This process, once in place, would completely bypass bourgeois considerations and liberal vagaries.
Our doctrine is despised by the Bourgeoisie, both liberal and conservative, Republican and Democrat.  They hate it because our doctrine upholds that the Will of the People should be implemented without recourse to a moneyed political caste that seeks to further such excesses as unrestrained capitalism or the tyrannies of Soviet-style Marxism.  They hate our doctrine because it reveals that true, pure democracy is Nationalist, exalting the interests of the Nation even in opposition to globalist, multicultural demands.
The Fascist party is a grass-roots movement at its heart.  We do not seek approval from any source but the People.  they are the sole authority from which this movement derives its power and mandate.  The will of the people is clearly known in all things, and it is a Nationalist will. The People crave a strong movement and a strong Leader who is representative of who they are and who they hope to be.  Such a leader will be well-versed in the Will of the People, not party politics and self-serving bureaucratic nonsense.
The People will hold themselves accountable for National Destiny. They will know the doctrine of the Party and maintain discipline within the Law.  They will accept as an article of faith that each and every citizen is responsible for the well-being of the body politic. They will struggle daily to overcome materialism in themselves, their families, and in their communities.  They will gain the ultimate triumph.
Because our Movement is seeking to uplift the Nation and exalt it toward its highest, best destiny, we are Nationalists.  Because we derive our power to do this, not from a bourgeois power elite but from the People, and because we never lose sight of our common roots and daily priorities, we are Populists.
Our doctrine could therefore best be described as National Populism.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Scavenger State

It was previously assumed that drug traffic and the welfare state were acting as safety valves against social catastrophe.  It was assumed that these elements provided the decay that alieved pressures between the classes and, more importantly, between the rulers and the ruled.  However, the bourgeois state and its Marxist underpinnings are organismic in the sense of being adaptable. Drug traffic and the welfare state, along with the ubiquitous consumer culture; have transformed the state organism into one that thrives on these elements rather than that which was previously a strong, healthy working class.  The bourgeois state, along with its array of Marxist programs, positively depends on social rot in order to live.  We live in the time of the scavenger state; one that thrives on social decay to the point of actually promoting it and viciously attacking that which seeks to return the body politic to a state of health and wholeness.

Monday, May 16, 2016


Riki Wilchins, a transsexual who recently wrote a piece in the gay publication The Advocate, revealed that there is an agenda behind the transgendered bathroom movement and you should be scared as hell by it. The unintended consequence thus far has been to provide a new legal dodge for perverts and pedophiles who want to go into public restrooms, do perverted pedophile things, and then say that they had a right to be in there because they “self-identify” as whatever. However, there is something even more terrifying and insidious at work here.
The article is called, "We'll Win the Bathroom Battle When the Binary Burns," Wilchins says very plainly that the real goal is to “kill” the notion of male and female altogether. The "binary" is gender distinction, and the goal is to get rid of the “heterobinary structure”, which means getting rid of a society where the distinctions “male” and “female” are outlawed and eradicated. Wilchins writes that there should be no gender distinctions at all. 
Wilchins identifies an emerging group of people who don't want to affiliate as either gender, of which there are in reality two. According to one LGBT website, Non-binary' people, who refuse to identify as male or female for whatever bizarre reasons, want to be referred to as 'they' or 'hir' or 'zer.'  

This all goes much deeper and further than mere usage of public bathrooms. According to Stella Morabito writing in The Federalist: “What we are really talking about is the abolition of sex. And it is sex that the trans project is serving to abolish legally, under the guise of something called ‘the gender binary.’ Its endgame is a society in which everyone is legally de-sexed. No longer legally male or female. And once you basically redefine humanity as sexless you end up with a de-humanized society in which there can be no legal ‘mother’ or ‘father’ or ‘son’ or ‘daughter’ or ‘husband’ or ‘wife’ without permission from the State. Government documents are already erasing the terms. In such a society, the most intimate human relationships take a hit. The family ends up abolished.”
Morabito hits home the point: “Sex distinctions are the germ of all human relationships. Abolishing them legally basically abolishes family autonomy. And this is an act of violence against children because it would serve at some point to separate them from their origins. Every child's first transcendental question is ‘Where did I come from?’ If the law will not allow the child to see his own origins and wholeness in the faces of a mother and a father, it destabilizes the child's sense of self. It creates personal dysfunction in children and basically ends up spreading more dysfunction and even dystopia in society.”
This is scary. This is frightening beyond anything we could have imagined. The bathroom battle is far more serious than many think. We need to really pray and ask God for help--before it's too late and our future generations end up really damaged. It may even become necessary for regular, ordinary Americans to stand up and fight in a way they have never fought before.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Coddling is Abuse

A 20 year-old girl comes into the living room and insists that, on top of getting her college paid for, her room and board paid for, and a car paid for, that her parents must do the same for her very capable, very lazy brother, who also is going to college on his parent's dime, is working a few hours a week, and has more than enough money in the bank to get himself a decent used car.  Nothing is done. The child stomps out, slamming the door behind her.

Why does this scenario even exist? Why can it even be described to you, my Brothers in arms?

It can be described because it exists. It exists because American parents, weakened by decades of decadence, have softened into weakness and lost the will to provide their children the moral strength and discipline that will most assuredly be required in the world that is taking shape even now.  Americans make no progress because they lack moral discipline. And so by omission they transmit this hateful weakness to their children.

When I was a child, the word, "No" was a common syllable. I rarely got what I wanted, but I always got what I needed from two parents who definitely loved me. They loved me enough to ensure that they were there for me. They loved me enough to ensure that I understood a few things about the world, such as my very small, almost insignificant place in it.  Part of this meant teaching me right from wrong and enforcing this learning with punishments. Those punishments hurt. I got over them hurting. What I never got over was the realization that people are not allowed to be entitled, self-centered violators of whatever standard of conduct they find inconvenient.  We are to obey the law and the rules. Our liking the law and the rules is completely irrelevant.

We are very, very small in relation to the world. Even Donald Trump is very small. Even his fortune is a droplet in an ocean of titanic becoming; of changes that never stop for one instant and we are swept away at all times in that tide.  What remains is the Supreme Being and His Will, which is express in the clear, unmistakable terms of Law.

Americans, your children do not matter in relation to the cosmos, and you are doing them a terrible disservice in conditioning them to believe that they are huge, important, bright little centers of the cosmos.  All the while you are allowing the creation of a a world in which such people cannot hope to cope nor survive. You cripple your children by making them little objects of worship who must be allowed to say, do, or have anything they want.  You are turning your children into the self-centered, narcissistic jackasses you have always been, and the prisons are full of the final proofs of my statement. 

You will change or you will share in the guilt for all the terrible things your misguided progeny are going to do. If they do not commit outright crimes, then think on this much: do you honestly expect that narcissistic, self-centered, entitled, snotty 21 year-old to look after you when you are old, decrepit, and can no longer so much as wipe your own ass?  You cannot possibly be that stupid. You have created a world you and your children cannot possibly thrive or even live in.

Coddling is abuse.

Friday, May 6, 2016

The American Worker Has Been Duped . . . Again


Nearly twenty-five percent of white men with high school educations are without work. Many of this same group are not only unemployed, but have stopped looking for work. It isn't because they are lazy.

They aren't working because there are no jobs. They've stopped looking for work because they know it is a waste of time.  Leftist media such as CNN have characterized this demographic as a "slice" of America.  However, at 35 percent of the population, calling the Workers a "slice" of America is like calling the North Atlantic a droplet. 

The liberals don't want to admit that their years of sorely misguided social experiments and social engineering and socialized this and that have led only to economic ruin. From his first days in office, William Jefferson Clinton broke his campaign promise to "focus like a laser" on the economy, and instead focused like a laser on gays in the military and the very corrupt and poisonous North Atlantic Fair Trade Agreement.  As a result, Working Class Americans were once again thrown to the wind. The American Worker was treated no better during the Bush and Obama Misadministrations.

The last sixteen years have not changed much, either.  The American Worker has been betrayed again and again.  The most poignant aspect of this betrayal is that it was served up by those in whom the Workers placed their trust.  In 2008, the United Auto Workers union signed an agreement with auto manufacturers which imposed unprecedented wage cuts on the company’s 3,650 workers in Michigan and western New York.  As a result, 2000 workers lost their jobs. Those who remained had their wages cut from $28 an hour to $18.50 and as low as $14.35 for so-called “factory support” jobs. New hires were brought in at $11.50 an hour, with substandard benefits.

Of course, by the time UAW and NAFTA-related "reforms" were done, the Detroit auto industry and that of western New York State were ravaged. The urban blight that these former manufacturing sectors have become is well documented.  Jobs were shipped abroad, UAW pulled up tents and hauled ass out of town, and politicians shrugged and gave their usual "Who, me?" grin as American Workers were hung out to dry.

Detroit and western New York are not alone in their status as victims of Empty Promises. Take for example Scioto County in southern Ohio, where only 53.8% of men age 16 to 64 are employed. It should perhaps be mentioned that this was once the territory of Presiential hopeless John Kasich.

 Scioto County has been ravaged by the GOP/Democrat gang rape of the American econonmy. Shoe factories that once employed thousands are gone. Steel mills that once provided work to thousands of families are boarded up and cold. Railroad yards that once saw hundreds of shipments of coal through their precincts are now shadows of their former selves thanks to the Obama Administration's hard-line "environmental" nonsense. Lawmakers are directly responsible and culpable for each hungry family and each missing job. And yet, people line up to cheer and applaud the criminals responsible for this economic ruin just so they can say they once looked directly upon the insidious, false sunlight that is a politician.
 Unemployment may hover at around 9 percent for the nation, but in Scioto County, the poverty rate is 27.2%, far above the state's 15.8% rate. Let the Obamists spew all the self-congratulatory statistics they want. Children are starving and the guilt of the Two Party Gang Rapists continues to grow.

 It should be mentioned that the layoffs are ongoing in Ohio's economic microcosm. AK Steel laid off600 people a few months ago. CSX and Norfolk Southern railroads have downsized over the past year. Haverhill Chemical laid off more than 150 workers in August after new owners bought it and hired back only a handful. 

Many workers don't have the education or training to make it in today's economy, and they have no means of getting one. Only 14.4% have a college degree, compared to 25.6% statewide and 29.3% nationally. 40 years ago, however, most workers didn't need to go to college to earn a decent wage.
However, even among the college educated we are seeing rising unemployment and poverty as lawmakers find it politically advantageous and lucrative for themselves to allow jobs to bleed out of the Nation.

There are some jobs available, but many of them pay minimum wage or just above. Local officials are trying to attract more employers, but the new positions often don't pay as much.
 A typical working class man works a variety of temporary, poorly paid jobs. A working class male with a GED typically moves around, serving short stints at various jobs. Most of these positions are temporary, and the typical worker earns no more than $13.50 an hour for very repetitive, strenuous work with no advancement potential.

How long will the American Worker stand for this? How long before the Two Party Gang Rapists are called to task for their countless crimes against the American Economy, the American Worker, and the American way of life?  How many factories must be closed down and boarded up? How many children must go to bed hungry tonight because some overpaid, useless lump of GOP or Democrat flesh and their Union cohorts, their pockets stuffed from kickbacks, have allowed American jobs to be shipped abroad?

Americans, isn't it time you began to fight?

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Out of Darkness Into Light

History is not the "class struggle" and materialist dialectics of Marx. There is far more to the human experience than propping up the socialist agenda.  There is far more to human nature than production, consumption, and excretion.

The Human Spirit endures in defiance of those who would incarcerate it in materialism and bureaucracy and confine its thoughts to political correctness, which is entirely artificial, oppressive, and false. A civilization is to be known by its emphasis. A civilization centered on material concerns and totally divorced from any notion of a higher being and decency will be known solely as the prelude to a great cataclysm. Rome was mighty. Rome chose the wrong values. Rome fell.

American civilization has come to a similar Rubicon. From here, we can rise up against the decay set in motion by those forces that seek to erode the traditional sources of America's strength or we can lay down and wallow in the filth of globalism, political correctness, transgendered bathroom privileges and wait for the very justified end.

You are confronted with a simple choice. You can embrace the Light or the darkness. Which are you?