Friday, May 6, 2016

The American Worker Has Been Duped . . . Again


Nearly twenty-five percent of white men with high school educations are without work. Many of this same group are not only unemployed, but have stopped looking for work. It isn't because they are lazy.

They aren't working because there are no jobs. They've stopped looking for work because they know it is a waste of time.  Leftist media such as CNN have characterized this demographic as a "slice" of America.  However, at 35 percent of the population, calling the Workers a "slice" of America is like calling the North Atlantic a droplet. 

The liberals don't want to admit that their years of sorely misguided social experiments and social engineering and socialized this and that have led only to economic ruin. From his first days in office, William Jefferson Clinton broke his campaign promise to "focus like a laser" on the economy, and instead focused like a laser on gays in the military and the very corrupt and poisonous North Atlantic Fair Trade Agreement.  As a result, Working Class Americans were once again thrown to the wind. The American Worker was treated no better during the Bush and Obama Misadministrations.

The last sixteen years have not changed much, either.  The American Worker has been betrayed again and again.  The most poignant aspect of this betrayal is that it was served up by those in whom the Workers placed their trust.  In 2008, the United Auto Workers union signed an agreement with auto manufacturers which imposed unprecedented wage cuts on the company’s 3,650 workers in Michigan and western New York.  As a result, 2000 workers lost their jobs. Those who remained had their wages cut from $28 an hour to $18.50 and as low as $14.35 for so-called “factory support” jobs. New hires were brought in at $11.50 an hour, with substandard benefits.

Of course, by the time UAW and NAFTA-related "reforms" were done, the Detroit auto industry and that of western New York State were ravaged. The urban blight that these former manufacturing sectors have become is well documented.  Jobs were shipped abroad, UAW pulled up tents and hauled ass out of town, and politicians shrugged and gave their usual "Who, me?" grin as American Workers were hung out to dry.

Detroit and western New York are not alone in their status as victims of Empty Promises. Take for example Scioto County in southern Ohio, where only 53.8% of men age 16 to 64 are employed. It should perhaps be mentioned that this was once the territory of Presiential hopeless John Kasich.

 Scioto County has been ravaged by the GOP/Democrat gang rape of the American econonmy. Shoe factories that once employed thousands are gone. Steel mills that once provided work to thousands of families are boarded up and cold. Railroad yards that once saw hundreds of shipments of coal through their precincts are now shadows of their former selves thanks to the Obama Administration's hard-line "environmental" nonsense. Lawmakers are directly responsible and culpable for each hungry family and each missing job. And yet, people line up to cheer and applaud the criminals responsible for this economic ruin just so they can say they once looked directly upon the insidious, false sunlight that is a politician.
 Unemployment may hover at around 9 percent for the nation, but in Scioto County, the poverty rate is 27.2%, far above the state's 15.8% rate. Let the Obamists spew all the self-congratulatory statistics they want. Children are starving and the guilt of the Two Party Gang Rapists continues to grow.

 It should be mentioned that the layoffs are ongoing in Ohio's economic microcosm. AK Steel laid off600 people a few months ago. CSX and Norfolk Southern railroads have downsized over the past year. Haverhill Chemical laid off more than 150 workers in August after new owners bought it and hired back only a handful. 

Many workers don't have the education or training to make it in today's economy, and they have no means of getting one. Only 14.4% have a college degree, compared to 25.6% statewide and 29.3% nationally. 40 years ago, however, most workers didn't need to go to college to earn a decent wage.
However, even among the college educated we are seeing rising unemployment and poverty as lawmakers find it politically advantageous and lucrative for themselves to allow jobs to bleed out of the Nation.

There are some jobs available, but many of them pay minimum wage or just above. Local officials are trying to attract more employers, but the new positions often don't pay as much.
 A typical working class man works a variety of temporary, poorly paid jobs. A working class male with a GED typically moves around, serving short stints at various jobs. Most of these positions are temporary, and the typical worker earns no more than $13.50 an hour for very repetitive, strenuous work with no advancement potential.

How long will the American Worker stand for this? How long before the Two Party Gang Rapists are called to task for their countless crimes against the American Economy, the American Worker, and the American way of life?  How many factories must be closed down and boarded up? How many children must go to bed hungry tonight because some overpaid, useless lump of GOP or Democrat flesh and their Union cohorts, their pockets stuffed from kickbacks, have allowed American jobs to be shipped abroad?

Americans, isn't it time you began to fight?

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