Monday, June 6, 2016

Fascism and the First Revolution

If you want something you have never had before, you must do something you have never done before.  Therefore, before there can be a new State, there must be a new citizen; one that has not been before.  This new citizen cannot exist until a new kind of person exists. A new kind must be preceded by a new individual.  A new individual must be reborn from the inside out, and the inside must always precede the outside.

The First Revolution is inner revolution.  You have no right to try and change the world while you are lost in darkness and filth, and make no mistake: until inner revolution is achieved, you are lost in darkness and filth. Would you do any of your so-called good works if you were required to wear a mask and receive no credit for them?  Would you engage in community service on the condition of total anonymity, even to those you are helping?  That is the first proof.  Until you are content to be invisible, you cannot become an idea of goodness and a force for good.  All else is poisoned by the ego, and the ego, no matter what momentary benefits accompany its arrival, has but one goal: to glorify itself at the expense of all others. This goal is short-term or long-term but it is there and like the pirates of old, who changed flags when they were close enough to the ship they wanted to plunder, the ego’s true colors will eventually be revealed.

The First Revolution is a revolution of spirit.  The goal of this revolution is to overthrow materialism, which is enslavement to the values of the manifest, material world. Gain and loss, fame and infamy, wealth and want, desire and regret: all such things must be cast out.  It is not sufficient to be moderate.  A single drop of ink will pollute an entire glass of water, and so we must overthrow the inner tyrant and all his running dogs.  Rearranging your inner and outer life so that you can have a life like you see in catalogs, magazines, and TV is nothing less than slavery.  Until you overthrow the inner idols of the First Tyrant, you will not be free.

1 comment:

  1. Materialism is the enemy of the inner & outer spiritual warrior. Favouritism and fatalism, interests and apathy, tyrannical and fettered & without any self-control, egotism (glorifying at the expense of others) and the opposite of helping hand and service, falsehood and a lack of information is producing lack of spirit amongst the new generation.
