Anyone who goes about with the thought that Fascism seeks to fight the legitimate powers of the military and police suffers from a basic misunderstanding of what Fascism really is. Fascism seeks to create order out of chaos. There can be no order; no public safety without law and order, and yet we continually suffer with the spectacle of skinheads and other violent types railing against the riot shields and breaking the law. This betrays a basic misunderstanding, not only of Fascism, but of its history.
In Italy, the great birthplace of Fascism, the squadristi did not arm against the police. They did not try to destroy the legitimate powers of the State. They did not seek to act as a menace to society. They fought Italy’s enemies, and they recognized that the enemies of their Fatherland were the Communists and foreigners who had no stake in the legitimately organized State. The squadristi were men of honor, many of them having served in the Great War. They understood Service to the Nation and National Destiny.
Fascism in America has not yet been so blessed. Today’s “fascism” is a thousand splintered movements manned by mama’s boys broadcasting from basements, disaffected nutjobs, and sociopaths. Ironically, these are the very forces true Fascism seeks to remove from society. There are many self-styled “blackshirts” in America today who would think nothing of committing assault against the police or members of the armed forces. These are not the legionnaires we need to give this Nation the rebirth it so desperately needs. These are nothing more than jail fodder.
Fascism must regain its moral decency and leave the punk-rock and the nihilism to those who have no future. We must be out in the community, not first broadcasting ourselves as Fascists and then demanding acceptance; but rather, we must be serving others. We should be helping the elderly, protecting our communities, picking up trash from the sidewalks. I do not mean beating junkies. I mean picking up trash. Go out with a garbage bag and pick up the empty potato chip bags and beer cans. Collect the dirty needles and dispose of them properly. Bring coffee and donuts to the Police. Raise money for the veterans in your community. Show the People of your community that you are a man of trust and honor. Integrate yourself. After all, integrity is our core value!
This community service must come first, before we presume to be National Heroes. If we are not willing to take up a broom and do the very dirty, unglamorous, undramatic jobs that need doing in and around us, we have no right to expect the People to entrust us with defense of their virtue and interests. It is high time that Fascists stopped whining about their machismo and started using it. Be a man. Go and do a dirty job that no one in your community wants to do; something that doesn’t involve being violent. A legionnaire serves his People. He doesn’t frighten them. He serves them.
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