Wednesday, February 24, 2016
The American Dream Came True. God Help Us.
American civilization has been based on an ardent desire to overcome tradition through industry. It has conceived what it considers to be a "faith" in practicality, but far from being practical, the American faith is in expedience. It has built a boat of special interests of both the right and the left and it does not desire that the boat be rocked. Both right and left are totally infected by the quest for profit, the idiocy of hypocrisy, and the temerity to try and pass off juvenile impulses as some great, grown-up agenda to be duplicated throughout the nation. The Leftist whines about corporate America while blogging on his Apple Corporation Laptop, sipping a latte made with corporately-produced chemicals, wearing clothing that were either produced by a corporation, distributed by a corporation, or both; and sits in a Starbuck's, which is as corporate as corporate can be. The Right winger whines about traditional American values while making room for illegal aliens to waltz over the border. Why? Because the electoral process is a sham. They allow corporations to walk all over the American Worker and to do irreparable harm to the American Family. American greatness is soulless, collective technocracy with a touch of aristocratic, bureaucratic abortive nonsense. THIS is why democracy is a sham. It is nothing more than bread and circuses; a stylized ritual where people get to decide whether they want the criminals in charge of raping America to wear red lapel pins or blue ones. Do you still really believe that your vote is going to change the quality of your life in any way? Do you persist in thinking that the smiling, one-eyed jack you're so desperately trying to put in office will represent your interests? Are you brain-dead? You still trust Democrats and Republicans, Liberals and Conservatives after nearly 300 years of organized lying, nepotism, scandal, and bureaucracy disguised as liberty? How can you be so insipidly stupid? Americans, it is time you woke up, grew up and stopped insisting that your government should be breast-feeding you. The milk is sour, maybe even poisoned. You are addicted to a substance that isn't even going to get you high. American "Democracy" is the greatest shell game on earth. It will be stopped, and that can happen in one of a few ways. Either the People will stand in support of a movement of Nationalist, Popular interests (unlikely, since Americans seldom want what's best for them as evinced by the very existence of the Obama Administration), or the system will degenerate into a bureaucratized aristocracy where the people are systematically exploited by first this party then that one (as is already the case) or the entire matrix of American civilization will collapse and come to resemble the jungle of Compton. America, it's time you grew up and faced the truth. The dream came true. Are you happy?
Friday, February 12, 2016
Right Metaphysics
Traditional and modern society are taken to exist as
antithetical to one another. However, this antithesis is more an imputation
than an inherently existing distinction. The essence of the issue is a simple
one: we have a physical and a metaphysical reality, and these two are intended
by design to have an interactive and interdependent relationship. There is a
duality to existence. Mankind has a mortal and an immortal nature. We are Being and Becoming; composed of
visible and invisible components. The mistake made by many is to suppose that
duality implies two theses cannot but be antagonistic toward one another. The
key characteristic of the ancient Taoist emblem of tai chi tu is integration of the two polarities.
Spiritual and physical are not intended to be enemies. The
unitary or singular reality is meant to be dynamic, and this dynamism is only
possible because of the existence of certain polarities that are contextual to
it. Civilization progresses because the forward motion of innovation and change
takes place against a broad inertial matrix. The traditional society has been
taken to occupy the position of inertia and the modern the progressive.
However, to refine it further, it has been assumed that the inertial is always
detriment and the progressive a benefit.
However, if we are to truly accept that categories can and do shift,
then it is not only possible for the progressive to function as a detriment,
but it often does so, particularly when embraced without a critical eye.
For instance, we assume that the redistribution of wealth
would be the hallmark of a “just” society, but the proponents of this socialist
trope are willing to gloss over the simple fact that their “redistribution” is
rooted in theft. The wealth of x cannot be given to y unless it has first been
taken from x. This may be done with legislative sanction, but this sanction
does not by necessity reflect a rule of law.
An opposing trope is the concept of universal responsibility, where all
are liable to work and provide for themselves, but what they produce is theirs
by right. This is usually assumed to be the theme of an exploitive bourgeoisie,
grinding the laboring masses into paste.
However, if every individual cell labors according to its true
capabilities, the overall result will be a stronger, healthier organism. The
individual works and moves against an inertial background that he believes is
resisting him, but without which his movements will not even be possible.
And so we are confronted with the interchangeability and
interaction of two polarities we have traditionally thought of as being
intrinsically and with hostility opposed to each other. However, the reality is
that polarity is dynamic, and that which is devoid of this dynamism dies. Civilization moves, as the cosmos moves,
because of the tension between opposing powers or energies. However, it is not a given that all motion is
of benefit. After all, an atomic chain
reaction is very kinetic. A crowd the
motion of which is devoid of a governing principle becomes a rioting mob. All
force must have a governing principle or set of principles. Motion without limits
becomes a detriment just as inertia without limits is death.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Communism and Capitalism Have Failed
For much of the 20th century the world was
divided between the capitalist and communist paradigms. However, it never once occurred to anyone in
either that both were based on the same fundamental materialist view of the
universe. Both set their worlds revolving
around technological advancement and production. Both embraced production as a social
relationship. Both viewed humanity as
management and workers, producers and consumers. Both sought to corral the
human race, like regimented cattle, into the sociopolitical, economic, and
military machinery with which they aimed to conquer the globe. This dualism of
political economy is completely and totally inadequate for the needs of the
human race and its ever-shifting niche in the impermanent yet total cosmos in
which it finds itself. So long as human progress is viewed solely in terms of
production and consumption, corporate structure and grassroots rebellion, wealth
and poverty, we will have completely and continuously overlooked what is
essential in the greater race. Human
beings must go from viewing themselves as managers, producers, workers and
consumers to beings concerned with their total development as spiritual,
mental, and substantial entities whose focus is on the fulfillment of their
potential without the gross obsession with material well-being that always tends
toward gross inequities, mass starvation, and acute corruption.
We must live beyond money and the obsession with consumer
goods. We must be cured of the superstition that we will somehow allow the
entire world to slip into deprivation and decay if civilization is not wholly
driven by material interests. As with any illness, the cure lies in rooting out
the causes and applying treatments that will not always be pleasing to the
convalescent. The greater the sepsis,
the more powerful must be the antibiotic.
The disorder afflicting the human race will not be cured by gentle
half-measures that do not root out the cause but only provide a very lucrative
treatment of symptoms to be administered by an elite few. Rather, the antidote
to the disease afflicting the greater race will be stringent. It will tolerate
no half-cure nor attempted resurgence of the disease. We are not aiming at a
remission. We aim instead to obliterate forever the fundamental disorder
afflicting the greater human race.
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