Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Communism and Capitalism Have Failed

For much of the 20th century the world was divided between the capitalist and communist paradigms.  However, it never once occurred to anyone in either that both were based on the same fundamental materialist view of the universe.  Both set their worlds revolving around technological advancement and production.  Both embraced production as a social relationship.  Both viewed humanity as management and workers, producers and consumers. Both sought to corral the human race, like regimented cattle, into the sociopolitical, economic, and military machinery with which they aimed to conquer the globe. This dualism of political economy is completely and totally inadequate for the needs of the human race and its ever-shifting niche in the impermanent yet total cosmos in which it finds itself. So long as human progress is viewed solely in terms of production and consumption, corporate structure and grassroots rebellion, wealth and poverty, we will have completely and continuously overlooked what is essential in the greater race.  Human beings must go from viewing themselves as managers, producers, workers and consumers to beings concerned with their total development as spiritual, mental, and substantial entities whose focus is on the fulfillment of their potential without the gross obsession with material well-being that always tends toward gross inequities, mass starvation, and acute corruption.

We must live beyond money and the obsession with consumer goods. We must be cured of the superstition that we will somehow allow the entire world to slip into deprivation and decay if civilization is not wholly driven by material interests. As with any illness, the cure lies in rooting out the causes and applying treatments that will not always be pleasing to the convalescent.  The greater the sepsis, the more powerful must be the antibiotic.  The disorder afflicting the human race will not be cured by gentle half-measures that do not root out the cause but only provide a very lucrative treatment of symptoms to be administered by an elite few. Rather, the antidote to the disease afflicting the greater race will be stringent. It will tolerate no half-cure nor attempted resurgence of the disease. We are not aiming at a remission. We aim instead to obliterate forever the fundamental disorder afflicting the greater human race.

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